気になる英単語-cultivate / cultivation-

 先週完読した本 Political Emotions で、以前から気になっていたのですが、何度も出くわしたので紹介します。その単語は、cultivate と cultivation です。前回のブログの引用にもこれらの単語が使われていました。以下が前回の引用です。


  `At any level, however, from the primary grades to the university, the teacher is not merely an instructor but a potential personal model for his (or her) pupils and a living clue to the attitudes that prevail in the adult world.  From teachers children derive much of the sense of the way in which the mind is cultivated; from observing how their teachers are esteemed and rewarded they quickly sense how society looks upon the teacher's role.' (p.310)



 `In countries where the intellectual functions of education are highly valued, like France, Germany, and the Scandinavian countries, the teacher, especially the secondary-school teacher, is likely to be an importanat local figure representing a personal and vocational ideal worthy of emulation.  There it seems worth becoming a teacher because what the teacher does is worth doing and is handsomely recognized.  The intellectually alert and cultivated teacher may have a particular importance for intelligent chidlren whose home environment is not highly cultivated; such children have no alternative source of mental stimulation.` (p.310)



それでは、Political Emotions からの引用です。

`Greate democratic leaders, in many times and places, have understood the importance of cultivating appropriate emotions' (p.3)


`The song's aim to cultivate the spirit that could sustain this new Indian nationalism - a spirit of love, inclusiveness, fairness, and human self-cultivation.' (p.13)


`I support the contention of both Tagore and Mill that the public cultivation of emotion needs to be scrutinized by a vigorously critical public culture`(p.19)

「私は Tagore と Mill の次の主張を支持する。その主張とは、一般に広く感情を洗練させることについては、大衆の活発な批判文化により綿密に吟味する必要があるといものである。」(拙訳)

`it gives a central place to the cultivation of emotions that are required to make fraternity more than a nice word.` (p.29)


`The general goal of the new religion will be to extend human sympathy by cultivating the spirit of universal brotherhood.' (p.61)


`Becoming virtuous is a matter of cultivating appropriate habits, in emotion as in conduct.' (p.65)


'He admires not only the Positivist account of nature and history, but also the general proposal for social cultivation of extended sympathy`(p.69)

「彼(訳者注:彼= John Stuart Mill)は自然と歴史についての実証哲学的な説明だけでなく共感力の拡張を社会的に育成するという提案にも感心している。」(拙訳)

`.... cultivation of sympathy...` (p.75)

`... cultivation of sympathy...' (p.80)

'... cultivation of sympathy...' (p.89)


`... by cultivating sympathy ...` (p.80)


`Mill accordingly recommends both the study of logic and the study of Plato's dialogues, on the ground that they cultivate the ability to question all things.` (p.78)


`.... cultivation of the ability...` (p.79)


` Religion consists in the endeavor of men to cultivate and express those qualities which are inherent in the nature of Man the eternal, and to have faith in them.` (p.88)


`Tagore urges the reader to culitvate a critical spirit.' (p.92)

「Tagore は読者に批判精神を培うことを勧めている。」(拙訳)

`its core idea is to seek liberation from selfishness by the cultivation of an overflowing types of love' (p.92)


`in search of power over others, he cultivated emotions based on tradition, homogenety, and submissiveness.` (p.94)


`.... cultivation of a wide range of deep emotions ...` (p.97)


`... Tagore cultivated emotions through poetry, music, and dance, ...` (p.98)

「… Tagore は詩、音楽、ダンスを通して感情育んだ。」(拙訳)

`... cultivate dissent without losing shared concern?` (p.107)


`... how a concern for nature may be cultivated.` (p.121)


`... it seems unreasonable to suggest that we protect people's sensibilities by cultivating ignorance in public realm.' (p.140)


`... Fortane cultivates in his reader, from the start, a Rollo-like disposition; ...` (p.141)

「… Fortane は最初から読者の心の中にロローのような気質を育てている…」(拙訳)


以上、400ページを超える本の前半に満たない部分でも頻繁に cultivate/ cultivation の単語が出てきます。後半部分でも多くのページにそれらの単語が出てきます。


 cultivate は、生徒が最初に覚える意味は「耕す」です。農業と関連する言葉です。「土地を耕す」のイメージから、ハート(heart)の部分の「感情を耕す」`cutivate emotions` になったかもしれません。いずれにせよ、cutivate emotions は、‘culitvate the heart ` (ハートを育む)という表現と密接に関係します。感情にたいする「知性・精神」(mind) についても `cultivate the mind` の表現が冒頭の引用にあります。


 すなわち、英語では「こころ」は mind(知性:頭を指す部分)と heart(ハート:胸をさす部分)になります。日本語の「マインド」は英語のheartを示すことが多いですが、mind は頭の部分で「思考」を指します。heart と mind を育む動詞として挙げられるのが、cultivate です。「土地を耕す」というイメージを拡張させて、「知性や感情を耕す」というイメージで捉えると cultivate the mind / cultivate the heart が何とか掴めるのではないかと思います。そのイメージと掴めることが出来れば、「cultivate する方法は何か?」と考えることによって、教え方や学び方に新しい視点を得ることができると思われます。


Martha C. Nussbaum (2013)  Political Emotions: Why love matters for justice  Harvard University Press